Colt: Pride Matters in Tech network makes recommendations for improved transgender and non-binary inclusion in the workplace
By Rachel Collins, Head of DE&I at Colt
‘Pride Matters in Tech’ is a coalition of LGBTQ+ employee networks in the technology sector who are committed to amplifying diverse voices.
The group includes representatives from the employee networks of many tech businesses such as Pride Matters from Colt, Rainbow Network from euNetworks, Pride Network from BT, Pride@CSG from CSG, and Nokia’s Equal! network.
Earlier this year, Pride Matters in Tech hosted a series of focus groups and round tables where transgender and non-binary employees confidentially shared their experiences of working in the tech sector.
The findings, which highlight issues such as microaggression, documentation challenges, and the importance of supportive line managers at work, have been highlighted in a new report.
The report contains 20 actionable recommendations for businesses to encourage better inclusion for transgender and non-binary individuals in the workplace. It includes both ‘quick wins’ and longer-term strategies.
You can find out more and download the report which is called ‘Anticipating needs: Transgender and non-binary inclusion recommendations’ here.
Download the report: Pride Roundtable recommendations