Vodafone’s Menopause Policy – Research resources & Toolkits now available
In March 2021, Vodafone made a global commitment to ensure its employees are supported during the menopause. The commitment will apply across all Vodafone markets and forms part of the company’s broader strategy of supporting all employees through every life stage to create a culture of inclusion.
Press Release:
Vodafone announces new global employee commitment on menopause (change-the-face.com)
Vodafone Menopause Research by Opinium (vodafone.com)
Menopause and the workplace – Web Story (vodafone.com)
Menopause research stats assets (flickr.com)
Read the full Vodafone announcement here (vodafone.com)
Menopause Toolkit (Available in 7 languages):
Français – Tout savoir sur la ménopause
Español – Guía sobre la menopausia
Italiano – Toolkit per la menopausa