Vodafone receives Diversity In Tech Outstanding Achievement GLOMO Award
Vodafone was presented with the special Diversity In Tech Outstanding Achievement Award at the 2022 Global Mobile (GLOMO) Awards at MWC22 Barcelona, celebrating the Alliance’s efforts to accelerate diversity and inclusion in the technology sector.
Receiving the GLOMO Award, Serpil Timuray, Vodafone CEO European Cluster said: “For the technology sector to reach its full potential, it must strive to more fairly reflect the world in which we operate. I am delighted that Change The Face is recognised for the way it has inspired organisations and technology leaders to collaborate on the same goal of building a more diverse and inclusive future for everyone.”
#ChangeTheFace began in 2020 with Vodafone asking a simple question to 7,000 people in nine markets: “If technology were a person, what would they be?” – with the answer “young, white, middle-class and mostly male”. This led to Vodafone’s call for action, inviting leading tech companies to pledge support.
The campaign attracted more than 300 industry pledges and evolved into the #ChangeTheFace Alliance formed in September 2021 by leading global tech companies and organisations including Deloitte, Digital Boost, Ericsson, Facebook, Founders4Schools, Girl Effect, IBM, Nokia, PwC, Samsung, UN Women and Vodafone.
The Alliance members have agreed to collaborate on common initiatives to scale and accelerate their impact. An open-source portal has been launched that shares the Alliance members insights, learnings, case studies, best practices on diversity and inclusion for wider use throughout the global tech industry at: www.change-the-face.com.
“Congratulations to all of our 2022 GLOMO Award winners. The GLOMOs recognise the most innovative organisations in our ecosystem. The winners are changing how people, communities and businesses interact and evolve in a digital-first world.” said John Hoffman, CEO of GSMA Ltd.
The GLOMO Awards, chaired by Shaun Collins, Executive Chairman of CCS Insight, are adjudicated by over 200 independent industry experts, analysts, journalists, academics, mobile operator representatives, and CTOs; and are widely recognised as the most prestigious accolade in the mobile industry. Further information about winners and nominees of the GLOMO Awards 2022 can be found here https://www.mwcbarcelona.com/mobile-aw